Marion Stein, a Viennese half-Jewish child escapes from Nazi persecution with her musical family to London. Proving to be a talented musician, she is set for a professional career as a concert pianist When the family moves in to live with composer Benjamin Britten and his partner, she learns about homosexuality, an experience which will serve her well in the future. Britten becomes a lifelong personal friend, one with whom she confides almost as a brother.
Life changes dramatically when she meets the young Earl of Harewood, a man with a heroic war record and first cousin of Princess Elizabeth, soon to be Queen. They share a love of music and particularly opera. It is a Cinderella story in war-weary Britain.
Home for Marion becomes Harewood House, a great mansion and estate in Yorkshire. She travels widely and meets and develops long-term friendships with many of the most famous musicians and singers of the century. She co-founds an international piano competition.
But the marriage is not to last. Alone again and a beautiful woman, she has a lively social life and is courted by famous and influential men. However, the politician she chooses is not what he seems and he is soon involved in a sensational trial.
Her loyalty is tested as never before.